Sunday, May 22, 2011

Polly is proud of Mr. Pincushion

A momentous occasion happened this past weekend. I witnessed Mr. Pincushion walk on stage during UT's graduation and get "hooded" thereby officially becoming a Doctor! While he won't be saving lives or finding a cure for diseases, he will help shape and mold young minds and pass on his passion and love for music thereby making the world a better place. It's been six years coming and a long six years at that (for both of us). There were times during the grueling process that neither one of us were completely confident that he would make it to the end, but he did. What's even more remarkable is that he was able to focus and finish writing his dissertation in the face of disastrous news - that I had aggressive breast cancer. If the tables were turned and I was told that he had cancer, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to write one word let alone a very long research paper! So kudos to you, Mr. Pincushion. I'm very, very proud of you for sticking with it even when you didn't think you could. It's a wonderful accomplishment and you will always hold the title of "Dr." even if you do end up being a coffee barista at Starbucks. And if you do, I'll still love you as long as you make me free lattes.


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