Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Polly Goes Punk

Well, yesterday was a big day. I took the plunge and had my porcupine quills shaved off, at least the ones still left. I could no longer stand to see my hair plugging up the shower and sinks, and covering my pillowcase in the morning. My friend Piper accompanied me to the wig shop, providing some much needed moral support. While she documented the event with my camera, Ronn worked his magic with the electric clippers. It was all over in a few minutes, but not before Ronn set me up with a sweet—and I assure you, temporary—mohawk. After finishing off what was left Ronn helped place my new wig on my very sensitive bald scalp and we left. Thank you to my dear friend Piper and the always hilarious and wonderful Ronn Hanson for making the dreaded SHAVE day about as fun as it could be!

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of going to the American Cancer Society about an hour later to pick up some free head scarves and hats. Trying them on, I had no choice but to stare at my new bald head in the mirror. S**T! Nothing against bald people (my hubby's one of 'em), but it's NOT a good look on me. The woman showing me the scarves then offered to give me two bras, apparently meant to be worn after breast surgery. She looked down at my bust and asked what size bra I wore. Cocking her head, she said, "It looks like your breasts are two different sizes. What's up with that?" Um, maybe it's because there's a LARGE TUMOR IN ONE OF THEM!! Thanks for the bras, but I really didn't need a reminder about my lopsided boobs! I'm just trying to get through chemo right now; I'm really not ready to think about surgery and losing my breast(s) at this point. Besides, if they're removed, why the hell would I even need a bra? My new double D's wouldn't fit into those free bras anyway.

I know she didn't intend to upset me but it was all just too much. I drove home and the waterworks turned on full blast. I was beside myself, and Mr. Pincushion was beside me. After a good cry and feeling sorry for myself, I felt a little better, and we watched a great movie called Love And Other Drugs. It was very funny and touching, with a story that unexpectedly hit home for the hubby and me.  Disclaimer: This one's definitely not for the kids, or anyone uncomfortable watching naked people getting busy with each other. Stay tuned for pictures of my mohawk tomorrow!


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