Sunday, September 23, 2012

A working woman again

I am working full-time again, the first time since 2010. Granted this is another contract position, meaning I don't know when it will end but it most likely will in the not too distant future. In any case, boy has it been hard to join the rat race again, waking up at 5:30am to get ready, working all day and dealing with Austin traffic! By the time I get home from my 45 minute commute, I have about 3 hours left to get stuff done before my weary body gives out completely and I head to bed. The problem is that I'm so pooped at night that I don't want to do anything but veg out in front of the television. Now I hate to complain because it's great to get a paycheck and I've been job searching for a long time, but after all that I've been through physically over the years, my body/mind just doesn't bounce back like it used to. Unlike my sister who works an insane amount of hours and has been known to stay up until midnight paying her bills, I need at least a solid eight hours of sleep to feel okay the next morning. I honestly don't know how all you women out there work full-time and raise children. What I'm finding is that since working, my social life, my hobbies, and my never-ending quest for a PERMANENT job, has all gone down the tubes. I'm sure that my working friends and family can completely relate many times over. I don't remember when the last time I painted something. And I sorely miss going to my monthly Pink Ribbon Cowgirl luncheons. In fact, I shouldn't even be wasting my time right now writing this blog post and instead I should be reading my emails and checking the job boards. Ugh.....


  1. Welcome to MY world!
    Your chronically exhausted sister

  2. Polly - hang in there, you never know when something better will be around the corner. Just remember, how haywire your life is becoming, do something FOR YOU at least for a few minutes EVERY DAY!!

    Missing you at the luncheons!
