Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A love letter

Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 20th, is my 14th wedding anniversary. Yes, Mr. Pincushion and I have been married a whopping 14 years already (and boyfriend and girlfriend for 7 years prior to marriage)! We've spent almost our entire "adult" life together...amazing really, especially in this day and age. In honor of our anniversary, I am writing this post as a love letter to my hubby. I will try not to make all of you gag, but if you do, I'm sorry. This is a love letter after all.

To Mr. Pincushion, my wonderful husband:

Fourteen years ago, our families and friends gathered together to finally witness our nuptials. I remember that it was a very windy day and my veil was whipping around my head/face and my sister was trying to hold it down. Nanny and Poppy were there to watch their first grandson get married and your father, a wonderful man, was there too. Your parents gave you something to calm your nerves and make you feel better because you were VERY hung over from your bachelor party the night before. Before I knew it, the ceremony was over and the justice of peace announced us "Mr. & Mrs. ____" and that was the beginning of what has been a great marriage so far. We have traveled to many special places together. We have lived on the East coast, the Midwest and now Texas. We have had many laughs along the way but also many sorrows starting with the sudden and devastating loss of your father. Then came the morning I woke up completely paralyzed on the right side of my body. One of the first thoughts that came to my mind on that terrible morning was that I had to remain calm, not for me but for you. I didn't want to get you freaked out, even though inside I was terrified. You were fabulous during my time in the hospital, keeping me company and being supportive during those grueling medical treatments, even though you are squeamish. Then when I had to stay at the in-patient rehab hospital for weeks and weeks, you continued to be my rock, visiting me whenever you could, being my advocate, and helping me with things that no husband should have to ever do. You even snuck our wonderful poochie into the hospital so I could see her because I missed her so. When I came home, you drove me around for six or seven months because I still couldn't, even when you didn't want to. Then when I was finally officially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, you did not waiver in your love & commitment to me. I know there are many men, who if given the same terrible news about their spouse, would have left out of fear of the unknown and the responsibility of possibly being the caregiver. But not you! Years later when we thought that we had been through the worst, then came my very sudden diagnosis of breast cancer. This time I could not remain calm for you but as I cried hysterically in your arms, you remained brave, hugged me and simply said "we will get through this too." Once again, you took care of me whether I was hugging the toilet or having an emotional breakdown. And in the face of it all, you had the strength and determination to finish writing that dam dissertation, finally becoming "Dr." Pincushion. I am so very, very proud of you! After nearly twenty years of being together, I still love being with you. You continue to make me laugh with your great sense of humor. You are just so darn easy to get a long with (for the most part). And even though you have a lot less hair than you did when I first met you so long ago, I still think you're hot! You had me from the minute we sat across the table winking at each other during a game of "Cops & Robbers." I can't wait to see where we end up living next and what adventures we go through over the next chapter of our lives. As long as we have each other, life will be good!

I love you!
Mrs. Pincushion

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. Happy anniversary to an awesome couple!
