Monday, May 14, 2012

To tell or not to tell?

When recruiters or hiring managers ask me what I've been doing since I last worked in 2010, should I tell the truth and explain that I was in treatment for cancer? This is a question that has been weighing heavily on my mind since restarting my job search. Part of me says hell yeah because while it was a horrific time for me, I'm proud of the way I handled it and proud that I beat it. So why shouldn't I tell potential employers. It shows that I have character, that I am strong and I can handle anything! But the other part of me says no, don't say a word about it. I am a human resources professional and unfortunately, I know how other HR professionals and business people think. It's all about the bottom line and how much money I could cost them. These people might be impressed with my bravery and resiliency but let's face it. I could potentially be an expensive employee because cancer isn't cheap. Immediately what will go through their minds is: What if the cancer comes back? Will she be able to work and if not, for how long will she be gone? How will this effect the company's insurance premiums? So after talking to several people about my dilemma, including a professional at a local cancer organization, I have decided that the smart thing to do is to keep silent. So when people ask me what I've been doing for the last two years, I will simply say I was a "homemaker" and leave it at that.

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